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Pengidap Diabetes Rentan Mengalami Burnout, Ini Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasinya

Pengidap Diabetes Rentan Mengalami Burnout, Ini Penyebab dan Cara Mengatasinya
Ilustrasi cek gula darah. Credit: Freepik

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Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires lifelong monitoring. A chronic illness, diabetes must be watched over all life. Apart from routinely monitoring blood sugar levels, diabetics—people with diabetes—also need to be picky in selecting food and modify their lifestyle to be healthier. Sometimes patients with diabetes find themselves burned out, sometimes referred to as diabetes burnout.


What is diabetes burnout?

Even for life, someone diagnosed with diabetes usually has to follow a long-term treatment plan of medicines and lifestyle modifications. Diabetics should choose food more carefully, schedule daily blood checks, and take time to exercise. People with diabetes thus naturally feel emotionally and psychologically exhausted as well as physically.

Every person responds differently to their diabetic condition. On the other hand, if you are experiencing feelings of exhaustion, being overwhelmed, and frustration as a result of managing your diabetes, then you are considered to be experiencing diabetes burnout.

Among the several factors causing diabetes burnout are:

  • Prolonged pressure of diabetes: Diabetes may cause mental stress since diabetics must continually monitor their condition, especially if they develop complications. This state can be exhausting for both yourself and those around you.
  • Failure to achieve treatment targets: Patients with diabetes may experience feelings of inadequacy or failure when they perceive that they have not achieved their targets or other treatment targets.
  • Treatment challenges: Diabetics might struggle with medication, insurance, and severe hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia symptoms.


Signs and symptoms of diabetes burnout

Depending on the person's acceptance of the disease they are suffering from, the degree of the diabetes and the length of the diabetic symptoms, burnout resulting from diabetes might show different signs and symptoms for each individual. This disorder resembles those of stress, sadness, and burnout brought on by other issues. In diabetes burnout, however, this sensation especially describes being overwhelmed because of diabetes management.

Although there are no specific signs and symptoms of diabetes fatigue, the following are frequently observed:

  • Feeling powerless to overcome diabetes
  • Feeling helpless.
  • Withdrawing from social activities
  • Feeling overwhelmed with diabetes control.
  • Not attending routine medical appointments
  • Neglecting insulin injections that are scheduled
  • Missing scheduled blood sugar level tests
  • Not monitoring eating habits
  • Inconsistent physical activity
  • Trying to ignore the diabetes condition you are experiencing


What are the best treatments for diabetes burnout?

It is not a simple task to manage a chronic condition such as diabetes. If you become aware that you are exhibiting symptoms of exhaustion, it is important to promptly seek assistance in order to deal with the situation. The duration of time in which you remain in a state of diabetes fatigue can exacerbate your condition.

There are numerous methods that can be implemented for relieving diabetes burnout, including:

Seek expert help

Consult with a doctor, nutritionist, psychologist, or other specialist to help you track the progression of your diabetes. During the session, please describe the condition you have and the treatment options available to you.


Join the diabetes community

Living with diabetes might leave you feeling isolated. To prevent this, you might join a community of other diabetics or caregivers and share your experiences and complaints. Sharing allows you to gain a new perspective on diabetes while also feeling heard, preventing you from feeling lonely.


Control anxiety appropriately

Starting to experience symptoms of stress or burnout from diabetes should not be denied; rather, you should come to accept these emotions. Adopting these emotions will enable you to control the following phases of treatment more naturally.

Find out what's making you so exhausted or irritated, and then talk to your doctor about it. You should also make time for activities that bring you joy and relaxation, including engaging in a hobby, practicing deep breathing techniques, or going for a run.


The management of diabetes requires the support of the surrounding environment, perseverance, and tolerance. If you begin to experience symptoms of diabetes burnout, it is important to seek the advice of a doctor. If you need medical advice or consultation, you can either visit a doctor or make use of the consultation features that are available in the Ai Care application by downloading the Ai Care application from the App Store or Play Store.


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Writer : Ratih AI Care
Editor :
  • dr Nadia Opmalina
Last Updated : Jumat, 31 Mei 2024 | 08:22